TOPLA PREDJELA - Zimski jelovnik

Ravioli punjeni sirom s škampima, kaduljom i limunom
Ravioli stuffed with cheese with scampi tail, sage and lemon

Šurlice domaće s hobotnicom, kaparima i maslinama
Surlice (Island Krk homemade pasta) with octopus, capers and olives

Ravioli domaći punjeni sirom sa zimskim crnim tartufima
Ravioli stuffed with cheese, with fresh winter black truffles

Rižoto crni s kvarnerskom sipom i sladoledom od parmezana
Black risotto with kvarner cuttlefish and parmesan ice cream

Rižoto s repovima škampa po domaći
Risotto with scampi tails prepared on the home way

Rižoto s repovima škampa i naribanom kamenicom
Risotto with scampi tails & grated oysters

Kapesante s grilla 1 kom.
Scallop Grilled 1 piece

Kapesanta s crnim zimskim tartufom 1 kom.
Scallop with black winter truffle 1 piece

Kapesante tris (žar, gratinirana, s crnim zimskim tartufom)
Tris scallops (grilled, gratinated, with winter black truffles)

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Miješane školjke na buzaru 0,5 kg.
Mixed mussels in "Buzara" sauce


Miješane školjke na buzaru 0,5 kg.
Mixed mussels in "Buzara" sauce


fritajakapesanterepovi kvarnerskih škamparižoto

  Jelovnik - Sve

Posjetite nas!

Konoba/Trattoria Gatto Nero
A: Lina Bolmarčića 20, Malinska 51511, Hrvatska
M: +385 91 444 24 24 (Tanja)
F: Trattoria Gatto Nero Malinska

Radno vrijeme:
Ponedjeljak - Nedjelja: 11:59-22:00