<p><strong>Smoked white fish ceviche</strong><br /> Ceviche od dimljene bijele ribe<br /> Geräuchertes Weißfisch-Ceviche<br /> Ceviche di pesce bianco affumicato</p>

Smoked white fish ceviche
Ceviche od dimljene bijele ribe
Geräuchertes Weißfisch-Ceviche
Ceviche di pesce bianco affumicato

Lamb tartare
Janjeći tartar
Tartara d'agnello

<p><strong>Homemade ravioli with scampi tail, sage and lemon</strong><br /> Domaći ravioli s škampima, kaduljom i limunom            <br /> Hausgemachte Ravioli mit Scampischwanz, Salbei und Zitrone<br /> Ravioli fatti in casa con code di scampi, salvia e limone</p>

Homemade ravioli with scampi tail, sage and lemon
Domaći ravioli s škampima, kaduljom i limunom            
Hausgemachte Ravioli mit Scampischwanz, Salbei und Zitrone
Ravioli fatti in casa con code di scampi, salvia e limone

<p><strong>Risotto (carnaroli) black with kvarner cuttlefish, cheese ice cream</strong><br /> Rižoto (carnaroli) crni s kvarnerskom sipom, sladoled od sira    <br /> Risotto (Carnaroli) schwartze mit Kvarner Tintenfisch, Käseeis<br /> Risotto (carnaroli) nero con le seppie del Quarnero, gelato al formaggio</p>

Risotto (carnaroli) black with kvarner cuttlefish, cheese ice cream
Rižoto (carnaroli) crni s kvarnerskom sipom, sladoled od sira    
Risotto (Carnaroli) schwartze mit Kvarner Tintenfisch, Käseeis
Risotto (carnaroli) nero con le seppie del Quarnero, gelato al formaggio

<p><strong>Boiled white fish in zlahtina wine (daily catch)</strong><br /> Gregada – lešada od bijele riba u žlahtini (dnevni ulov)        <br /> Gekochter Weißfisch in Zlahtina wein (Tagesfang)<br /> Pesce bianco lesso nel vino Žlahtina (pescato giornaliero)</p>

Boiled white fish in zlahtina wine (daily catch)
Gregada – lešada od bijele riba u žlahtini (dnevni ulov)        
Gekochter Weißfisch in Zlahtina wein (Tagesfang)
Pesce bianco lesso nel vino Žlahtina (pescato giornaliero)

<p><strong>Fish plate „Gatto Nero“</strong><br /> Riblja plata „Gatto Nero“<br /> Fischplatte „Gatto Nero“</p>

Fish plate „Gatto Nero“
Riblja plata „Gatto Nero“
Fischplatte „Gatto Nero“

<p><strong>Buzara „Padelata“</strong></p>

Buzara „Padelata“

Fritto misto

Whole Kvarner octopus under the bell
Hobotnica kvarnerska cijela ispod peke
Ganzer Kvarner Oktopus unter der Glocke
Polpo intero del Quarnero sotto la campana

<p><strong>Boskarin beefsteak “Gatto Nero” (fresh black truffles)</strong><br /> Biftek od boškarina „Gatto Nero“ (sviježi crni tartufi)<br /> Boscarin Beefsteak „Gatto Nero“ (frische schwartze Trüffeln)<br /> Filetto di boscarin „Gatto Nero“ (tartufo nero fresco)</p>

Boskarin beefsteak “Gatto Nero” (fresh black truffles)
Biftek od boškarina „Gatto Nero“ (sviježi crni tartufi)
Boscarin Beefsteak „Gatto Nero“ (frische schwartze Trüffeln)
Filetto di boscarin „Gatto Nero“ (tartufo nero fresco)

<p><strong>Boskarin cheeks in teran wine with surlice (Handmade pasta)</strong><br /> Obrazi boškarina u teranu sa šurlicama                <br /> Boskarin Wange in Teran Wein mit Surlice (Hausgemachte Nudeln)<br /> Guanciale di boskarin in vino teran con surlice (Pasta artigianale)</p>

Boskarin cheeks in teran wine with surlice (Handmade pasta)
Obrazi boškarina u teranu sa šurlicama                
Boskarin Wange in Teran Wein mit Surlice (Hausgemachte Nudeln)
Guanciale di boskarin in vino teran con surlice (Pasta artigianale)

<p><strong>Lamb shank</strong><br /> Janjeća koljenica<br /> Lammhaxe                     <br /> Stinco d'agnello</p>

Lamb shank
Janjeća koljenica
Stinco d'agnello

Galerija Gallery

Frutti di mare
Sirove strasti
Šampijer file
Biftek Gatto Nero
Gulas od boškarina
Rezanci od kurkume

Tuna tartar

Octopus salad

<p><strong>Smoked white fish ceviche</strong></p>

Smoked white fish ceviche

Fisherman's plate - 2 pers.

Kavijar Royal Oscietra

<p><strong>Tartar from boškarin</strong></p>

Tartar from boškarin

Istrian Prosciutto - family Jelenić 100 g.
The best Croatian prosciutto 2004, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2021

Lamb prosciutto from Rab island

Istrian cheese with black truffles

Sheep's cheese aged 18 months OPG „Magriž“

Cheese selection OPG „Magriž“

Mixed cold plate „Dubašnica“

Galerija Gallery

Sirovi škampi
Hobotnica sa svježim crnim tartufima
Hobotnica na salatu
Sirove morske strasti
Sirovi škampi

Homemade ravioli stuffed with cheese in sauce with fresh black summer truffles

<p><strong>Homemade ravioli with scampi tail, sage and lemon</strong></p>

Homemade ravioli with scampi tail, sage and lemon

Homemade surlice with with prawn tails

Homemade tagliatelle with fresh black truffles

<p><strong>Risotto (carnaroli) black, cheese ice cream</strong></p>

Risotto (carnaroli) black, cheese ice cream


Capesante with fresh black summer truffles

Cottage cheese grilled with scampi tails, pine nuts and honey

Skewer with octopus and pork belly, leek espuma

Goose liver premium class

<p><strong>Homemade pasta with octopus</strong></p>

Homemade pasta with octopus

Galerija Gallery

Crni rižoto
Rizžoto radič gambero
Rižoto radič škampi
Fritaja šparuge

Kvarner white fish I class (daily catch)

<p><strong>John Dory fillet „Gatto Nero“</strong></p>

John Dory fillet „Gatto Nero“

Kvarner scampi from grill or im „buzara“ sausse (white / red)

Grilled Adriatic tuna (yellow fin)

<p><strong>Gregada boiled white fish in zlahtina wine (daily catch)</strong></p>

Gregada boiled white fish in zlahtina wine (daily catch)

<p><strong>Octopus tentackles (from Kvarner bay) in oven, potato, vegetable</strong></p>

Octopus tentackles (from Kvarner bay) in oven, potato, vegetable

Octopus confit, parsnip, beets, fermented garlic

Squid on the grill, fried or in the oven

Lobster or red lobster / astice o aragosta

<p><strong>Fish plate „Gatto Nero“ - 2 pax</strong><br /> John Dory fillet, tuna steak, monkfish tail, scampi, squids, capesante</p>

Fish plate „Gatto Nero“ - 2 pax
John Dory fillet, tuna steak, monkfish tail, scampi, squids, capesante

Fish plate „Dubašnica“ - 2 pax
Fish fillet I cl. from daily catch, sardines, prawns, squid, clams

Fried fish

<p><strong>Buzara „Padelata“ - 2 os.</strong><br /> Mixed shells & scampi in white or red sauce, tagliatelle</p>

Buzara „Padelata“ - 2 os.
Mixed shells & scampi in white or red sauce, tagliatelle

Mussels Buzara style – white or red

Galerija Gallery

Riblja plata
Linguine branzino riccio
Buzara Gatto Nero
Carpaccio od hobotnice
Carpaccio kozice
Crudo misto
Friška riba
Frutti di mare
Hobotnica s tartufima
Hobotnica salata
Krakovi hobotnice
Orada i zubatac
Orade i hlap
Orata baby
Pasta bianchetti ricci
Rižoto šparuge kozice
Sabljarka tartufi
Sampier u teći
Scampi grill
Scampi tartar
Sirove strasti scampi
Sirovi scampi
Sirovi skampi
Skuta skampi alfa klice
Sparuge brancin
Sparuge kapesante
Sparuge orzoto dagnje
Svoja forno
Svoja marinirana
Svoja u krusti od zitarica
Tartar scampi
Tuna prsut
Valentinovo plava rapsodija slowfood
Rizoto radic gambero
Sampijer file
Valentinovo velutata skampi poriluk slowfood
Aragosta 2016

Caesar salad


Grilled vegetables

Galerija Gallery

Gulaš boškarin
Linguine branzino riccio
Linguine tartufo
Njoki bundeva mix gljive
Pasta bianchetti ricci
Pasta fata in trattoria con scampi e zucchini
Pasta vrganji martincice
Ravioli foia
Rižoto radić gambero
Rižoto radić škampi
Škampi bavette
Škampi zeleni rezanci
Sparoge 2017
Tagliatelle al tartuffo
Tikvice rolane šparuge
Valentinovo crvena riža povrće slowfood

Burger (Pljeskavica)

Wiener Schnitzel „Gatto nero“

<p><strong>Boskarin Dry Aged beefsteak “Gatto Nero” (fresh black truffles)</strong></p>

Boskarin Dry Aged beefsteak “Gatto Nero” (fresh black truffles)

<p><strong>Boskarin Dry Aged beefsteak grilled</strong></p>

Boskarin Dry Aged beefsteak grilled

Boskarin Dry Aged rib-eye grilled

Galerija Gallery

Biftek Gatto Nero
Boškarin beefsteak in fresh mooshrom sauce
Biftek bijeli tartuf
Biftek šumske gljive
Boškarin odrezak šparuge
Biftek Gatto Nero
<p><strong>Boskarin beefsteak “Gatto Nero” (fresh black truffles)</strong></p>

Boskarin beefsteak “Gatto Nero” (fresh black truffles)

<p><strong>Boskarin beefsteak grilled</strong></p>

Boskarin beefsteak grilled

Rib-eye grilled

Boskarin stew with potato gnocchi

<p><strong>Boskarin cheeks in teran wine with makaruni (Handmade pasta)</strong></p>

Boskarin cheeks in teran wine with makaruni (Handmade pasta)

<p><strong>Lamb shank, oven-baked</strong></p>

Lamb shank, oven-baked

Galerija Gallery

Gatto Nero
Mesni mix Bosco
Mesni specijaliteti
Biftek šumske gljive
Boškarin odrezak šparuge
Boškarin beefsteak in fresh mooshrom sauce
Gatto Nero
Gatto Nero
Istarski pjat
Janjeća koljenica
Janjeći kotleti
Janjeći kotleti
Janjeći pršut
Janjeći pršut narezan
Obrazi pršut ravioli
Ombolo contadino
Ombolo kobasice
Piatto di terra istriana
Pljeskavica šparoge
Pljukanci biftek
T bon
Tris istarski tartufi čili domaća
Tris kamin
Valentinovo janjeća koljenica aromatične trave slowfood

Foodie burger (pljeskavica) with Tomino cheese

Rolled steak in pork mesh

Galerija Gallery


*to order a day earlier



Milk pig


Zucchini carpaccio with quark, rocket and seasonal herbs

Jerusalem artichoke soup with pear and pine nuts

<p><strong>Risotto with beets and goat cheese</strong></p>

Risotto with beets and goat cheese

Galerija Gallery

Sparuge kapesante
Crni rižoto
Fritaja šparuge smrčci
Gljive mix
Gnochhi fresh mooshroms
Hobotnica tartufi ricotta
Inčuni papričica
Inčuni u papričicama
Jadranske lignje opet plivaju zlato 2015
Juha bundeva
Juha gljive
Juha poriluk
Juha od pomidora
Juha sa škampima
Kozice med i skuta
Lignje salata
Morske delicije
Palenta gljive
Polpete tikvice
Šparoge salata
Valentinovo crvena riža povrće slowfood
Zelena pašta sa škampima
Tikvice rolane šparuge

Bouillabaisse „Gatto Nero“
fish soup with white fish, scampi and fresh shellfish

Scampi miracle (Bisqe)

Tomato soup with basil

Galerija Gallery

Juha gljive
Jadranske lignje opet plivaju
Juha poriluk
Juha od pomidora
Juha sa škampima
Juha bundeva

Chocolate cake with olive oil

Daily surprise

Panna cotta


Ice cream

Galerija Gallery

Čokoladni kolač
Cokoladni desert
Torta bez glutena
Jogurt torta
Marelica desert
Mousse limun
Panna cota
Crna palačinka
Mojito torta
Mousse limun
Palačinka Gatto Nero

Daily offer

Season salad

Homemade bread / focaccia

Galerija Gallery

Šopska salata
Povrće sa žara
Povrće sa žara

Visit us!

Konoba/Trattoria Gatto Nero
A: Lina Bolmarčića 20, Malinska 51511, Croatia
E: tanja@gattonero.eu
M: +385 91 444 24 24 (Tanja)
F: Trattoria Gatto Nero Malinska